Naas Alcameth is a busy guy, not only did he put out the Bestia Arcana
album, two weeks later he drops the new Nightbringer, and last year
Akhlys. Further he apparently has a deathmetal band which also
released an album in 2017 (which I’ve yet to hear), I need a breather
just thinking about it all, how he pulls it off I don’t know, all I
know is it’s a fairly impressive output. As if that wasn’t enough the
things he puts out aren’t just average or even good, they’re often
spectacular. Like list toppingly so. Which brings us to the new
Nightbringer, if you’re familiar with their previous output this will
be familiar territory, just faster, tighter, and all out more
impressive than last time. They’ve polished up the sound, making
everything all the much clearer since 2014’s Ego Dominus Tuus, which
fits the playing perfectly. Pulling no punches As Wolves Amongst Ruins
explodes out the gate, going balls to the wall for close to six
minutes of complex blasting black metal that Nightbringer does best.
As the track ends it leads straight into one of the albums absolute
highlight, Misrule, the complete riffing chaos on top of Menthor’s
blastbeats are just a feast for sore ears. The album goes on like
this, there are a few slower tracks, but overall expect just under an
hour of perfectly constructed chaos. I think I said it best in my
closing remarks last they graced my list: This is a tour de force
which few can match but if only a few tried the music scene would be
all the richer for it., that sentiment hasn’t changed, blackmetal
needs more Nightbringers.
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