Cosmic Reawakening is the debut by Colorado’s Crafteon who do a fine
job blending the better parts melodic black metal with parts death
metal. This lends a bit of gravitas to the sound making the melodic
riffs less inclined to give you diabetes. Lord Mordi’s vocals are spot
on for this, belting out Lovecraftian horror in all it’s majesty,
mostly keeping them to Inquisition croaks, albeit less recognizable.
It’s an album I’ve heard very little about and seen on very few lists
so perhaps I missed the memo, but since it’s release in August I think
this is the album I’ve returned to the most, it has a nasty tendency
to get stuck in your head and before I know it I’m hitting ‘repeat’
again. Cosmic Reawakening was the darkest horse for me this year,
but a very worthwhile one.
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