In 2017 Grafvitnir released their album in late December which meant
it came out after I’d already made that years list. Lucky for them
this time around I’ve had almost ten months to listen to Venenum
Scorpionis and listen to it I have. Like every other Grafvitnir album
you know what you’re going to get, they don’t stray very far from
their formula of fast Swedish blackmetal. The guitars have their
customary tone and the raspy almost hoarse vocals are a dead give away
from the minute the album opens. My only complaint may just be that
the vocals almost produce a fog over the recording anytime they are
present, without vocals the instruments are fairly equally represented
and you get a clear picture of what is happening, as soon as the
vocals come in everything just gets a bit muddier (but revisiting their
previous album this can probably be filed under feature not bug as far
as the band is concerned). Regardless it’s a small complaint on an
otherwise decent album.
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