I was a big fan of Cénotaphe’s 2019 EP Empyrée noting that I was
eagerly awaiting what they’d do next, well now we know, as Monte
Verità is that next thing. Now sound wise there are few changes from
last year, and it’s just as raging and ravenous as I remember
Empyrée being. In many ways Cénotaphe sound more like they were from
Quebec than from France proper, while perhaps it’s a lot down to the
very obviously French vocals which obviously are a huge thing in the
Métal Noir Québécois scene, but it’s hard to not draw parallels as
most of the same elements are here, if I hadn’t known better in a
blind test I’m pretty sure I’d have said this was straight outa Québec
City. So if like me you’re a fan of raw blackmetal with a hint of
melody then this is your album.
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