Therizo is Taubrą’s debut album and it’s been one of my most played
albums since it came out in mid-October. While it should probably have
been obvious, I hadn’t reflected over who was in the band until now
when I looked over their metal-archives page, if I had, I would
probably have been less surprised by how much I liked it given that it
features two members of Aara and the drummer of Porta Nigra, who
careful readers will know have been favourite bands in years past.
Musically Taubrą isn’t breaking any new ground, as it’s squarely in
second wave Scandinavian territory, but as so often is the case doing
something ridiculously well is often good enough: the riffing is
blistering and melodic, the drums furious and precise, the roars are
cavernous. Everything one could hope for from this sort of album.
Taubrą on Encyclopaedia Metallum
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