A friend recommended this album to me and it stuck immediately, as
sort of a theme of my list this year it seems, it wasn’t until a few
weeks later that I realized that the two people behind Ateiggär are
the same two who are behind Ungfell (which our intrepid readers will
remember from last years list). In hindsight it makes sense as both
bands belong to the “Helvetic Underground Committee”, and the vocals
especially are rather familiar. That is probably where the
similarities end though, Ateiggär hark back to an earlier era of
blackmetal with plenty of tasteful keyboards (think early Satyricon),
and at times some soaring vocals. While the latter would normally be a
non-starter for me they are again done tastefully and sparingly so it
never kills the mood. This is a great little album which pulls at all
the right nostalgic muscles.
Ateiggär on Encyclopaedia Metallum
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