I really liked Ferriterium’s last album Le Dernier Livre so I was
excited to see this one come out early this year. Ferriterium like
countrymen Aorlhac or Cenotaphe have an almost Québécois sound to
them; raging and pretty raw but at the same time strongly melodic
black metal. So is it here on Calvaire, we get four songs here but
still clocking in at a respectable 43 minutes, so despite each song
except the second hitting the ten minute mark you never really notice
it. There is really no fat on this album, every note has it’s purpose
and place and it’s right there where it should be. Vocals are
passionately delivered with ferocious howling. Production is nice and
crisp and given the tempo most of the album goes at this ensures that
you can actually enjoy all the nuances this delivers. This is a step
up from the previous, great, album at this rate it’s hard to know
where he’ll go next, all I do know is I can’t wait.
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