Ungfell’s fourth full length De Ghörnt to some extent continues on
the path musically laid out on Es grauet, so to my disappointment
there is no return to the rawness and chaos of Mythen, Mären,
Pestilenz but I can’t fault a band for moving on even if I do very
much like the earlier sound. It diverges in that whereas the previous
release had a very soft and warm sound we here have some slightly
sharper edges here, which is very welcome. One of my favourite parts
about Ungfell (and this actually holds over all their releases) is the
drum sound, it’s always been clear and succinct without being
overbearing. Vocals while not changed dramatically, are perhaps a bit
more varied than before, we are also treated to a few bass solos
(which I didn’t even reflect over until a few listens, but that can at
least partially chalked up to my listening environment often being
sub-optimal). I realize that there is a risk of recency bias in put
this album not just on a year end list but this high up on it, perhaps
next year I’ll do one of my rare retrospectives to see if time changed
my opinion, as most years it has not I doubt t will this time either.
Ungfell on Encyclopaedia Metallum
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