A Darker Shade of Black

Nate Griffin’s DMV

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Family Guy DMV

I arrive, the line is out the door and snakes down along the wall, it takes me 90 minutes to get in and get a number, just so I can go stand in a different line for another hour before somebody will see me, all that so I can spend 5 minutes, pay $44 and get my license renewed.

How is it that the DMV can suck so hard? We’re not talking brain surgery here folks, this is dead simple stuff. First of all, the DMV is a monopoly, and a monopoly most of us have to deal with. With no competition there is no incentive to improve, and since everybody knows the DMV sucks it’s not something we ever hold our elected official responsible for. I’ve yet to hear anybody, anywhere tell me they had a good experience at the DMV. So obviously it’s not a local problem. Second given the stereotypical DMV visit there are no expectations of you as an employee, yet another incentive for the status quo. Nate got his revenge.

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