2017 it seems was the year of long form, like yesterday’s entrant
Bestia Arcana comes at us with Holókauston consisting of four
tracks clocking in at a bit over 40 minutes. Now while it becomes
obvious from the first chord Bestia Arcana is essentially a
Nightbringer side project sharing two current and one former member
with them. So if you like Nightbringer and their assorted projects
there is a lot to like here. Perhaps most spectacularly they managed
to release this within two weeks of the new Nightbringer album,
releasing one such beast of an album alone is utterly impressive,
releasing two in short order (and let’s not forget last years Akhlys
release) is close to preternatural. If complex uncompromising
blackmetal is your thing, then this is the album for you.
Bestia Arcana
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