Subject: 10: Sphere - π From: .jh Date: 2021-12-20T15:07:00Z Tags: music blog best\ of best\ of\ 2021 Sphere 2021 ![π](/gfx/932147.jpg) The album art was the first thing that drew me to this album, the spiraling pentagram leaving behind the oddly pleasing pattern. Once I started listening I was immediately thinking of Darkspace and since it's been seven years since they last released something this is a very good discovery if one likes that sort of thing. The sound is equally dense, the drum machine is pummeling, synths are piled upon synths and the guitars are vast. Vocals have this weird quality of feeling engulfed amongst the other sounds but at the same time being quite prominent. The songs are all fairly long and mostly ambient. While I'm sure it has some deeper meaning I've yet to see any explanation of it, but it's like the songs are paired, 1 and 4, 2 and 5, and 3 and 6 are the exact same length. Not sure how you would practically notice this since it's not released on any two sided medium, but as I said there is probably a deeper meaning. In conclusion this is harsh and pummeling ambient blackmetal, so if that sounds like you thing make sure to pick this up. You'll not regret it. [Sphere]( ---